Olduvai Gorge: The Cradle of Mankind

Olduvai Gorge: The Cradle of Mankind

In the Great Rift Valley, within the heart of Tanzania, lies Olduvai Gorge, a site of grand significance in the origins of humanity. This geological feature, often referred to as the “Cradle of Mankind,” has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of…

10 Fun Facts About Hyenas

10 Fun Facts About Hyenas

The hyena has been vilified by humans since ancient times. Seen as wicked, cowardly and ugly creatures, hyenas are very misunderstood. They are more than mere scavengers. They possess fascinating characteristics and behaviors that contribute to the intricate balance of the natural…

The Best Gloves for Climbing Kilimanjaro

The Best Gloves for Climbing Kilimanjaro

What gloves do I need for climbing Kilimanjaro? Wearing gloves in the outdoors serves multiple purposes. They provide insulation to keep hands warm in cold weather. They shield your hands from harsh elements like wind, rain, snow, and sun exposure. And they…

The 15 Highest Mountains in New Zealand

The 15 Highest Mountains in New Zealand

New Zealand’s mountains are a testament to the country’s beauty. They are scattered across the North and South Islands, with 60% of the South Island being covered in mountains called the Southern Alps, the main mountain range in the country. The Southern…

The Highest Mountains in Australia

The Highest Mountains in Australia

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world by land mass with an area of 2.9 million square miles. Its geography, while renowned for its expansive Outback, stunning coastlines, and diverse ecosystems, isn’t typically associated with towering mountains akin to other continents….